[General] | [Download] | [Installation] | [Screenshots] | [Versions] | [Support] | [Author] |
What is MacDING? | ||||||
MacDING is an english <-> german dictionary-lookup program
for Mac OS X.
It is a reimplementation of
Frank Richter's DING (DIctionary Nice Grep) lookup program for Unix/Linux
Systems (using Tcl/Tk).
MacDING is natively implemented in Cocoa and provides
therefore an eye-candy Apple interface.
The functionability at this point however, is not as
comprehensive as the one provided by the original software
(e.g. no ispell/dict lookups). If you need a more comprehensive
application, you might consider installing the original
software (it runs under Apple's X11).
This program as well as its predecessor is released under the GNU General Public License. It can therefore be modified and reused under the conditions of this license. I would be happy about improvements of this application (you will need a little knowledge about Cocoa/Objective-C and Python, pyobjc). | ||||||
Download | ||||||
Download the application bundle for Mac OS X (tested only for 10.2 and higher):
Get a dictionary for DING:
Get the source code for version 0.3 (current version is 0.4 -> if you are really interested, have a look at the CVS repository for the newest version): Download source code
Get the newest version of the source code via CVS (likely to be unstable):
Installation | ||||||
If you downloaded a release that includes a dictionary, there is no installation. Simply move the application icon to a folder of your choice (usually /Applications). If you want to install an additional dictionary, follow these steps:
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Screenshots | ||||||
I love screenshots, so why not offer some?
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Support | ||||||
If you would like to report a bug in the current version, please go here:If you would like to request a new feature for the next release, pleasae go here: Request a new FeatureAll other sourceforge-features under the sourceforge summary page for MacDING: Sourceforge summary page |
Features of the current version | ||||||
Author | ||||||
Credits | ||||||
German - english dictionary and original DING: Frank Richter - http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~fri/ding/
German - Norwegian dictionary
German - Spanish dictionary |
[General] | [Download] | [Installation] | [Screenshots] | [Versions] | [Support] | [Author] |
Last changed: Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:54AM | Matthias Ihrke |